Monday, December 15, 2014

My Future Vision

My Future Hopes, Dreams, and Desires. Designed by Naomi P. ©2014
     This picture shows my dream of becoming an artist and animator. I love anime, so I wish to draw anime in the future. Graphic designing is also an option that I would gladly take, since it has also caught my interest. The cars, family, and skydivers show what wish or what I want to do in the future.  I'm sure everyone would love a family and a nice car. Skydiving is a sport that I'd like to try. The Japanese background shows where I want to go, which is obviously Japan. I love Japanese culture and I'd love to go there at least once in my lifetime. My life-long learning will be the college that I want to go to, and my future career experiences. In the field of art and design, there are limitless possibilities and you can never stop learning. Your imagination will be an important factor in what I want to do, and I know that I believe I have plenty of that. Like I said earlier, I wish to be an anime-artist and I wish to go to The Academy of Art University. I had read a brochure and noticed that this college was one that had a majority of my interests as their majors. Of course, I'd immediately wanted to go to that college, and had looked up more about it. Many of the people at my youth group in church are in college, or have already finished it. They have told me their device and their experiences as they had went on throughout their school days. I found out more about the colleges and courses that I can take as my research, and even asked is they had any connections to people who were in the field I wanted to be in. Learning about this is not only interesting, it is productive to my future. This fueled my desire to become an anime-artist. As for my future family relationships, I only wish for a nice family of my own, and the family that I currently have to be there for me. Even though I know that my dreams and hopes will later on change, I know that the past experiences of what I've done currently to fulfill them will never be forgotten. I'll try my hardest to work for my dreams.
     I hope that when I'm old and gray, I'll be able to stay at home with my grandchildren and take care of them, and watch them grow. I want to be able to live a happy peaceful life. Or, I can go into retirement and spend the rest of my days with my other friends that have been with me throughout my life as a friend, and still are. I hope to live at a peaceful setting in life, and if my life decides to throw me a twist, then I'll endure it and keep moving forward to accomplish my dreams and hopes. Life will never stop testing you, even if you have accomplished your dreams, so I'll do my best to keep my happiness.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The World Would Be A Better Place If...

PTSA, The World Would Be a Better Place If ... Competition

     My work is based off on how the world would be a better place if we recycled and conserved energy. I made this with the intention of showing people how beautiful the world would be without all the trash and smoggy air around. In some places, I know that it's clear and clean. Most places, however, aren't as sanitary and I know that everyone would appreciate a little freshness in their life. Not to mention, if people started realizing that if they worked together to clean the world then it would greatly decrease the dangers of global warming. To summarize, this piece of work was made to encourage people to make the world a better environment to live in. 

     I created my work with a software called Adobe Photoshop. The first thing I did was create my template, adjusting the size for it. Once getting into the software, then I start thinking of ideas. I wanted to create an idea to encourage people to recycle and conserve their energy, so I started my work with a clear sky, using different brushes to make it seem cloudy and refreshing. I then added in some pictures from the internet, and erased the background. I drew my person, and used the gradient skills from the tutorial. I used the text, and added in some effects. I added in some finished touches by exploring the other settings and effects, and finished. 

     The skills I used from the tutorial were mainly gradient ideas and skills. They helped my with the hair and also the shading or my person. The tutorial that inspired me to apply the hair's gradient and shadowing can be found here.