Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The World Would Be A Better Place If...

PTSA, The World Would Be a Better Place If ... Competition

     My work is based off on how the world would be a better place if we recycled and conserved energy. I made this with the intention of showing people how beautiful the world would be without all the trash and smoggy air around. In some places, I know that it's clear and clean. Most places, however, aren't as sanitary and I know that everyone would appreciate a little freshness in their life. Not to mention, if people started realizing that if they worked together to clean the world then it would greatly decrease the dangers of global warming. To summarize, this piece of work was made to encourage people to make the world a better environment to live in. 

     I created my work with a software called Adobe Photoshop. The first thing I did was create my template, adjusting the size for it. Once getting into the software, then I start thinking of ideas. I wanted to create an idea to encourage people to recycle and conserve their energy, so I started my work with a clear sky, using different brushes to make it seem cloudy and refreshing. I then added in some pictures from the internet, and erased the background. I drew my person, and used the gradient skills from the tutorial. I used the text, and added in some effects. I added in some finished touches by exploring the other settings and effects, and finished. 

     The skills I used from the tutorial were mainly gradient ideas and skills. They helped my with the hair and also the shading or my person. The tutorial that inspired me to apply the hair's gradient and shadowing can be found here.


  1. Naomi, this is truly an inspiring piece of art in a sense that it makes one realize what needs to be done in order to help sustain a healthy environment all around the globe. However, I would like to know more about the relationship with the picture and the meaning. I understand the the representation of the globe. What do the trees signify? Most importantly, why did you decide to include a figure of a girl? I personally believe that this will touch those that are willing to change the environment. Overall, I really liked the work and effort you put into your masterpiece. Great work!!

  2. Looks really cool.It looks like a legit poster. Your message is also very true.

  3. This is a great message to send out and I fully agree that this would help the world 100%. Your piece is also very creative. Great job!

  4. Good job I really liked your background. You did a really good job showing you skills you have learned. The only negative think i would have to say is your message wasn't clearly stated. I completely agree we should all recycle and save our planet. Over all you did really nice job :)

  5. Naomi, this is truly amazing!!! the message Is very clear, and I liked how you used a quote to emphasize it even more. Extremely great job girl. :D

  6. This is an amazing piece of visual art! the amount of detail and amazing message make this one of the best I've seen! They mix together so well and have such a good reinforcement .

  7. I really like the background and how it seems to be fading out its a really cool effect.

  8. S'cute !! Love the detail ! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work


Thank You